What Instagram NeedsTo Fix
You likely won’t learn all that much from this article about “How to achieve brand marketing success with Instagram.” It’s all pretty much standard best practices that any decent intern could turn out. But there is some real value at the end where the author lays out what Instagram needs to fix.
I heartily endorse these improvements:
Improvements Instagram Can Make
You Can’t Link
Do not post a URL on Instagram. Users can’t click links on Instagram, so the text shows up like a normal caption. Basically, it’s a waste of your follower’s time.
No Auto-Populate for Other Handles
Unlike Twitter, you can’t type in the first few letters of an Instagram account and have them pop up if you aren’t following the account. This means you’ll either have to remember the handles of accounts you don’t follow if they warrant a tag, or make sure to follow everyone you want to mention.
Seamless Re-Post
Currently, you have to screenshot another user’s Instagram photo if you want to share their content. A “RT” style re-post would be ideal for brands.
Upload Photos Via Web
Dearest Instagram: Please allow uploading photos via web. As community managers, many of us also have personal accounts. As a result, we maintain a constant fear that we are logged in to the wrong account and are going to post photos of our dog to our brand page. #DogsOfInstagram